"We are responsible for the way we live our lives - an immensely empowering realization."

Barbara Lucká

I am a transformative coach trained in Michael Neill´s programs, and a certified Conscious Uncoupling TM coach trained by the author of the process herself, Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT.

Let me invite you on a journey to discover yourself, and to uncover seemingly concealed solutions through coaching. This story has a happy ending.

What Coaching is About

Coaching is a non-invasive method of helping and guiding. It happens when a trained coach, supports a client in a situation where they feel insecure, limited, or frustrated, with dialogue and empathy. Together, they examine a problem trying to raise the client´s motivation to look at it with different eyes and find a suitable solution.


How Coaching Works

I offer you a 60-minute introductory free consultation

We will have an in depth discussion, ranging from your goals and issues, and my methodology and approach, where we can decide if coaching is what you need.

"Happiness is only ever one thought away."

Sydney Banks

Conscious Uncoupling Coaching

Civilized uncoupling or divorce. Utopia? No. There is a real option available for you.

Conscious Uncoupling TM is a certified coaching program by Katherine Woodward Thomas, helping clients overcome breakdown of their relationship, be it a straight couple or an LGBTQ couple, in the most humane and peaceful way possible, respecting the closest ones around, and children, if there are any.

Now, as a coach, I am excited to offer the Conscious Uncoupling TM program to you. If you find yourself in an uneasy break-up or divorce situation, and you feel entangled in pain or fear, I will bring the tools, so together, we can revive hope, joy, and love.

Conscious Uncoupling TM is a kind and respectful solution, taking into consideration your needs and feelings.

The program consists of five steps that I will teach you step by step, how to:

Working with the book “Conscious Uncoupling” by Katherine Woodward Thomas, which is a great source of information and practices, is an integral part of the coaching.

"Contrary to popular belief, time does not heal all wounds. We do."

Katherine Woodward Thomas

My Education and Experience

My Coaching Story

A few years ago, I found myself in a complex life situation - as a woman and as a mother.

The world was crumbling down, and all the efforts to save it were in vain. The time had come for a change, and it was a preparation for all that life was about to bring me. At that time, however, I experienced it completely differently.

My daughter was born with cerebral palsy, and my intimate relationship of two decades fell apart not too long after that. It was like a walk through an endless valley of tears. However, what came afterwards, surprised me, and inspired me at the same time. To keep my sanity, I was looking for ways out of the gutter, when your certainty collapses like a house of cards, and life slips through your fingers.

That was a moment that I discovered coaching, which led to my inner empowerment. During this process, as a client, I stopped asking all the why´s and how´s. Instead, I began to perceive the possibilities arising before me. They came about gradually as my perspective grew. I felt like I was pushing a closed door, when all I needed was to pull it open instead. No one told me that before. It was quite simple.

And just as coaching helped me withstand a difficult period, set my priorities straight, and discover which way to go, it also positively impacted the lives of my clients, whom I began to coach.

Topics ranged from relationships (divorces, separations or returns), through career, parenting, to the questions of self-discovery (self-esteem, meaning of life), or problems with fear and depression. It was always important to look within, to see oneself with the inner eyes and listen with the inner ears. To allow oneself to be vulnerable, uncritical, and to explore so that we can escape the vicious circle of thoughts, and, ultimately, become free.


Michelle Conolly

I was one of Baska’s American clients who completed this wonderful program and can verify she was the best coach; caring, reliable, empathetic, non-judgmental and a friend! She and the book has saved me from getting lost in my grief. I am forever grateful.


I am so grateful for the work I have done with myself, and for the woman I have discovered. I am enjoying the moments with my husband the way I had never known possible. I am glad I did not follow the divorce idea. The click moment was when I realized my side of the drama. Thank you again. The right person to meet at the right moment!


Barbara is an amazing person who has shown me the strength hidden inside of each of us, and I am very grateful to her for that. In my case, the work was not about a break-up, rather about an inner change. She supported me through the process, and I came to realize a lot, I learned to notice my needs, and to free myself from anxiety and disappointment. Every day is a bonus, and I look forward to whatever it brings about, to new experiences, to new discoveries. Thanks. Jon.

Susanne Finkeldei

I feel good these days. Things are moving forward, and I feel like I'm on my way … I have some new clients. I am in contact with my inner wisdom, and I listen to my heart and feel peace in mind. From time to time, I struggle but your coaching helped me a lot.



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© Mgr.Barbara Lucká & Conscious Uncoupling TM
photo Martin Domček
illustrations Agátka Bednárová

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